The plan for this blog is to periodically check in with my goals, doubts, and real life happenings. Allow me to explain: Every now and then (weekly...maybe) you'll see a post titled "G,D, & R." In these posts, I'll update my plans (GOALS), my questions (DOUBTS), and my progress (REALITIES). Make sense?
Let me be clear in saying that I am a very fortunate person. I have a loving family and a fabulous fiance. There is only one area of my life that needs improvement: Me.
So, while there are more specific goals to make, the overall goal is to create a happy, confident, beautiful Sam. Easier said than done, friends.
You are currently reading my 1,203,240,987,890th attempt at changing the way I feel about myself. Negative Nancy Sam wants to believe that this will be my 1,203,240,987,890th failure.
Today, I planned to wake up at 6:30am for a jog around the neighborhood. I even put my phone on the other side of the room so I'd have to get up to turn off the alarm. Did I get up? Yeah. Did I immediately get back in bed? Oh, yeah. I've also chewed my nails down to a stubby nothingness. Lovely.
On the sunnier side, I made myself a yummy lunch and managed to stay away from a lunch date with Future Husband (AKA: One way ticket to Fatville.)